Let us help you transition into A.A.
Getting back to the “real world” isn’t always easy for an alcoholic. Many of us had never been sober on the outside, and we admitted that our first days out were often challenging. Sometimes, we didn’t know if we would stay sober.
Bridging the Gap is a temporary A.A. contact program to help you make the transition from treatment or incarceration into the A.A. community. Once you are discharged or released, an A.A. volunteer will contact you by phone and make arrangements to meet you at your first one to three meetings, explain the A.A. program and the importance of finding a sponsor and help get you connected into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Leave us a message at the phone number listed below and we will make every effort to contact you on your day of release. No collect calls, please. You may also email us at District20AAbtg@gmail.com or send mail to Bridging the Gap, PO Box 36, Grass Valley, CA 95945. (530) 395-5040
Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of A.A. – All personal information is protected and destroyed after use.
CNIA 07 District 20 • P.O. Box 12 • Grass Valley, CA 95945
AA 24 Hr. Hotline (530) 272-6287